Forgejo FAQ

For a FAQ on how Forgejo and Gitea are related, see the dedicated comparison page.

Where does the name come from?

Forgejo (pronounced /forˈd͡ʒ is inspired by forĝejo, the Esperanto word for forge.

Who is using Forgejo?

The vast majority of Forgejo’s users are developers of free and open source software.

Forgejo maintains a list of instances with open registration.

What is the governance of Forgejo?

Forgejo’s governance is collectively defined by its contributors.

Forgejo’s repositories show how it receives and allocates money, how it wants to evolve and what it needs to do next, as well as how it turns these ideas into decisions.

For less urgent conversations and real-time discussions, there is a Matrix Space that is open to everyone.

Who owns the Forgejo domains and trademarks?

The Forgejo domains are in the custody of the non-profit Codeberg e.V..

At this point in time, Forgejo has not registered any trademarks.

What is ‘Codeberg e.V.’?

Codeberg is a non-profit association registered in Berlin, Germany. The abbreviation e.V. stands for eingetragener Verein, which translates as ‘registered association’.

As defined by its Bylaws, its goal is to “guarantee the openness and continued availability of free software”.

Forgejo has to abide by Codeberg’s goals. We believe that this arrangement reinforces the longevity of Forgejo, as far as the project’s stability and financial security is concerned.

For more information, see Codeberg’s Documentation.

What is the difference between Forgejo and Gitea?

See Comparison with Gitea.

I’m sold. Are migrations from Gitea to Forgejo possible?

For the time being, yes. Up until early 2024, Forgejo used to include all of Gitea. All commits made on Gitea were also present in Forgejo, and upgrading from Gitea to Forgejo was as easy as changing the URL from which you get your releases from.

Upgrading from the latest Gitea version released before the hard fork (v1.21.11) is still guaranteed to work. Upgrading from releases made after that, aren’t. It may remain possible, but as the two projects naturally drift apart, migration will become more risky.

Does Forgejo have a Code of Conduct?

Yes. The Code of Conduct applies to all spaces that the Forgejo project is responsible for.

The Moderation Team is responsible for resolving conflicts. Its decisions are documented publicly, while respecting the privacy of everyone involved.

Is Forgejo sustainable? How is it funded?

Sustaining Free Software projects developed in the interest of the general public is an ongoing challenge.

Forgejo relies on a mixture of volunteer contributions, grants, donations and employee delegation to keep going.

In summary:

More details are available on Forgejo’s repository dedicated to sustainability.

Is there a roadmap for Forgejo?

One of Forgejo’s primary goals is implementing forge federation using ForgeFed. It is an extension of ActivityPub.

Apart from that, there are various contributors spend a lot of their time issuing improvements based on user feedback. Forgejo has a user research project with the goal of building a more concrete roadmap. If you are interested in participating, please join the chat room.

Where can I report a security vulnerability?

Security issues are managed by a team sharing the effort between Codeberg and Forgejo. The security team is available at (GPG public key 1B638BDF10969D627926B8D9F585D0F99E1FB56F) and is tasked to identify, define, and respond to vulnerabilities.

Is Forgejo licensed under AGPL?

No. The license of Forgejo is MIT.

In order to prevent a takeover from a for-profit company, it was suggested to change the license to AGPL. However, no agreement was reached. Instead, Forgejo agreed to allow contributions compatible with GNU General Public License v3.0 or later. As of January 2024, such a contribution has not been made yet.

Why are container images published with the 7.0 tag?

The 7.0 tag is set to be the latest patch release, starting with 7.0.0. 7.0 will then be equal to 7.0.1 when it is released and so on. It can conveniently be used for automated upgrades to the latest patch release.

Why are container images published with the 7 tag?

The 7 tag is set to be the latest minor release, starting with 7.0.0. 7 will then be equal to 7.0.1 when it is released, 7.1.0, 7.2.1 and so on. It can conveniently be used for automated upgrades to the latest minor release.

Why is there no latest tag for container images?

Because upgrading from a major version (for instance from 7.0.0 to 8.0.0) requires a manual operation and human verification. However it is possible to use the X or X.Y tags (for instance 7 or 7.0) to get the latest minor or patch release automatically.

What are the names of the built-in Forgejo themes?

Forgejo introduces two new themes: light version named forgejo-light and a dark version named forgejo-dark. They are the default for a new installation but will need to be set explicitly if the app.ini file already has a custom list of themes. For instance, if it looks like this:

THEMES = gitea-auto,gitea-light,gitea-dark

the forgejo-auto, forgejo-light and forgejo-dark can be added as follows:

THEMES = forgejo-auto,forgejo-light,forgejo-dark,gitea-auto,gitea-light,gitea-dark

Why are there no mentions of Windows binaries?

Although the Forgejo codebase is known to be easy to built for Windows, there currently is no expertise on either of those in the Forgejo community. Maintaining a distribution targetting and Operating System requires someone to build and maintain the release pipeline, figure out the root cause of bugs and fix them.