Forgejo Next, also known as Forgejo Next, is Forgejo’s official testing and demonstration instance. Everyone is encouraged to use it to experiment with Forgejo, try out upcoming features, search for bugs, or even casually host a project.

Internal registration is currently not allowed, but you may create an account on Forgejo Next by logging in with any of the supported external authentication providers. Currently supported providers are,,,, and After creating your account, you can set a password for local authentication on

Please make sure you have a mirror or backup of any important data uploaded to Forgejo Next! We try to avoid breaking things, but this instance is running potentially unstable code, so don’t use it as your only storage for irreplacable valuable data.

The Forgejo Next service is a collaborative effort. Provided by Codeberg and managed by the Forgejo community, a selection of Forgejo contributors have administrative access to the instance and all user data in addition to Codeberg’s administrators. Please do not use private repositories on Forgejo Next to store highly sensitive secrets.