
A reasonable effort should be made to test changes proposed to Forgejo.

Running the tests from sources

To run automated frontend and backend tests:

make test

Frontend tests

The e2e frontend tests are run with:

make 'test-e2e-sqlite'
# or, for individual tests
make 'test-e2e-sqlite#example.test'

They are based on playwright and will:

  • Launch a Forgejo instance
  • Populate it with data found in the models/fixtures directory
  • Launch a browser (e.g. Firefox)
  • Run JavaScript tests (e.g. tests/e2e/example.test.e2e.js)

NOTE: make sure to use a version of Node >= 20.11.1

With VSCodium or VSCode

To debug a test, you can use “Playwright Test” for VScodium or VSCode. Before doing that you will need to manually start a Forgejo instance and populate it with data from models/fixtures by running:

make TAGS='sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify' 'test-e2e-debugserver'


Tests can also be individually run on an existing server as follows:

GITEA_URL= npx playwright test tests/e2e/release.test.e2e.js

In this case the Forgejo instance must be manually prepared with a minimal subset of the data found in the models/fixtures directory.

Interactive testing

To run and continuously rebuild when the source files change:

TAGS='sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify' make watch

NOTE: do not set the bindata tag such as in TAGS="bindata" make watch or the browser may fail to load pages with an error like Failed to load asset

Manual run of the binary

After following the steps to compile from source, a forgejo binary will be available in the working directory. It can be tested from this directory or moved to a directory with test data. When Forgejo is launched manually from command line, it can be killed by pressing Ctrl + C.

./forgejo web

Automated tests

In the Forgejo repository

When a pull request is opened, it will run workflows found in the .forgejo/workflows directory.

In the end-to-end repository

Some tests are best served by running Forgejo from a compiled binary, for instance to verify the result of a workflow run by the Forgejo runner. They can be run by adding the run-end-to-end-test label to the pull request. It will:

  • compile a binary from the pull request
  • open a pull request against the end-to-end repository
  • use the compiled binary to run the tests
  • report back failure or success

Debugging locally

A workflow can be run locally by installing the Forgejo runner and using the command line:

forgejo-runner exec --workflows .forgejo/workflows/testing.yml

Manual testing

When the change to be tested lacks the proper framework, the manual test procedure must be documented and referenced in the manual testing repository. The tests it contains should be run on a regular basis to verify they keep working.

Changes that are associated with a manual test procedure should be labeled “manual test”.

No test

When a change is not tested, it should be labeled “untested”. The rationale for the absence of test should be explained.